Some Things to Consider Before You Decide to Promote Someone
When a company grows quickly and talent is in short supply, the pressure to promote people is high. Here are six things to consider before you do.
Over the last two decades, I've worked with hundreds of founders and CEOs of high-growth companies, helping them with strategy development and execution. And while we can come up with amazingly effective ideas for how to grow the business and highly developed processes for scaling the companies, the one challenge they all end up facing is finding enough of the right talent quickly.
The fact is, talent quickly becomes the limiting constraint for many high-growth companies. And the biggest demand is for management and leadership. As a company grows from a few dozen to a few hundred people, finding the right people who can manage teams and departments becomes more and more difficult.
One of the common strategies for these companies is to promote from within their existing ranks and then backfill with new, entry-level talent. It's a good strategy when it works, but too often I see companies promoting the wrong people into the wrong roles, and suffering because of it.
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As an entrepreneur and former Inc. 500 CEO, I have unique insight to transform your company into a high-growth machine. I specialize in helping companies 10x their growth using proven methods and decades of experience. DM if you want to learn more.
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