Great Executives Play to Their Strengths. Here's How to Find Yours
Focusing on your strengths will dramatically improve your success, but finding them can be challenging. Here are three key questions you can use to find yours.
We've all heard the adage, play to your strengths to win, but it's often easier said than done.
Yes, it's better to pick a handful of skills and work on becoming exceptional than to try to be good at everything.
Just like a business need to find a unique position in the market by becoming exceptional at a few things, executives also need to focus on becoming uniquely skilled and experienced in a handful of skills to become world-class professionals.
But how do you pick?
The challenge for many high-performance leaders is that they are good at many things. Often, they are the best person in their company at many things, which creates a lot of pressure to keep doing all of them.
However, this will not only hold them back as individuals, it will hold back the company's growth as well.
To grow and advance, you need to let go of things that you may be quite good at to become uniquely amazing at a few more important skills. And to do that, you need to choose, which can be difficult.
Here are the three key questions I give executives to help them understand the areas in which they should double down and focus.
As an entrepreneur and former Inc. 500 CEO, I have unique insight to transform your company into a high-growth machine. I specialize in helping companies 10x their growth using proven methods and decades of experience. DM if you want to learn more.
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