9 Questions to Ask During Your Weekly Meeting

One of the most common bottlenecks to early-stage company growth is the lack of management skills. This weekly meeting will up your game.

As a strategy and leadership coach, I spend a lot of time with CEOs and leadership teams developing their strategy and planning for the company's future. Long term success doesn't happen without a clear market positioning and roadmap for implementing key activities to drive success.

However, all of that work can be undermined by a lack of core management skills on the senior team. And, unfortunately, it's not uncommon for a rapidly growing company to outstrip these skills in early-stage businesses.

Any strategy growth plan must also include a plan for improving the skills of senior management, including the CEO and their leadership team.

I start by helping senior executives build a team and delegate work. The key to that process is to establish a weekly meeting with each direct report so they can keep priorities aligned and assignments on track.

Done right, this meeting should last from 30 to 60 minutes and the executive should do less than 20 percent of the talking. Instead, I advise them to ask the following key questions to make sure work is progressing correctly.

What can you do to be a better manager to your directs?

#StrategyCoach #LeadershipDevelopment #ManagementSkills #TeamBuilding #GoalSetting #Accountability #Insights #Priorities #ActionPlan #Support #EffectiveManager #BusinessGrowth



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